Emergency Administrative Effort ™

Empowering Legal Teams

with advanced collective redress solutions

Who are we?

World-class legal technology: that's what Catalyst Collective Redress Services stands for. Catalyst specializes in supporting law firms and special purpose vehicles in administratively and communicatively streamlining collective actions.

From registration to document management, from communication to financial settlement: with high-quality administrative services, we take all the practical hassle of collective legal actions off your hands. This allows you to fully focus on your core task: achieving the best possible legal outcome for your clients.

Our unique approach

From registering and managing data of sometimes tens of thousands of clients to clearly communicating about achieved results: law firms and foundations dealing with collective legal actions face numerous practical challenges.

With our combined knowledge of IT and legal procedures, we are happy to solve these challenges for you. With our advanced, managed software solutions, we streamline all administrative and communicative processes. This ensures efficiency, clarity, and - perhaps most importantly - peace of mind.

With our Emergency Administrative Effort™, we also offer comprehensive administrative support for all remaining manual tasks - even under great time pressure.

Our services

Customized software solutions: Our robust, customized software platform for client management and legal-administrative settlement is the cornerstone of our service.
Back-office support: From client correspondence to document management: we take care of all the practical aspects of your legal process for you. In this way, we guarantee a seamless operation.
Managed software services: We do not only provide the necessary software, we also manage it. Our team ensures that the software runs smoothly 24/7, with continuous technical support at a fixed monthly rate.
Experienced partnerships: Thanks to our partnerships with external experts (such as developers and IT specialists), we can always provide an integrated service experience that covers every aspect of collective redress.

Why choose Catalyst?

At Catalyst, we believe in a complete approach. Our solutions are not just about technology; they are also about the people who are served through that technology. Join us and experience the power of legal technology with a human face.

IT in Legal Services